Queers suspende su gira española


Problemas de salud han llevado a Joe Queer a realizar un tratamiento hospitalario que lo apartará de los conciertos en una temporada. Esperemos que pronto se recupere de lo suyo. De momento, la gira se ha aplazado para la primera parte del 2005.

Este es el mail que su agencia ha mandado a los distintos promotores explicando la situación:

Dear Promoters,

I have the misfortune of reporting the cancellation of the European tour for THE QUEERS. The cancellation has been announced following a recent situation which has caused Joe Queer to need hospital treatment.

We will be planning and rescheduling the dates for the first part of 2005 which shall be released as soon as possible.

Many thanks for your willingness and support. On behalf of THE QUEERS and BLAH, BLAH, BLAH TOURS.